GCSE/A level sketchbook workshop
GCSE/A level sketchbook workshop
from £250.00
Includes resources
Venue: Kirstens studio in central Henley
More details…
Art Workshop ‘Improve your grade!’
Workshop for 1-4 students either GCSE or A Level or higher. Arranged on a date to suit you, details agreed in advance
Improve your grades by working on your sketchbook for a day, creating supporting pieces and potentially creating an alternative final piece
Available resources include papers, vintage envelopes and collage, inks, paints and pencils, batik, gesso, boards and mixed media.
Students bring relevant coursework to date and sketchbooks etc.
day workshop for individuals or up to 4 students
Bespoke content agreed in advance.. tailored to suit the project Includes all materials
Bring your own lunch 10-4pm