View of Marlow Bridge 1 — Kirsten Jones Art and Design

View of Marlow Bridge 1

View of Marlow Bridge 1

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A view of beautiful Marlow bridge with the church and town behind. Seen on a spring day from the river, the elegant structure and quiet towpath lead the viewer towards one of my favourite towns. The collaged clouds are created with parts of a local ordnance survey map and show local villages and places of interest. The text within the river contains historical details and stories. Also collaged are floating sketches of flowers and foliage relevant to the season, as if floating downstream. fragments of Vivaldi’s concerto ‘Spring’ are also seen within the water and a reference to the white butterflies that arrive in spring. A symbol of optimism, rebirth and nature’s subtle strength, the butterfly is a meaningful symbol for me and always reminds me that we shoud make the most of the time we have on our wonderful planet. Hidden within the piece is a little white butterfly.