Cornish Flower Garden

cornish flower garden 20cm.jpg
cornish flower garden 20cm.jpg

Cornish Flower Garden

from £50.00

Embellished with colour and gold pencils by the artist, each piece is subtly unique.

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The second of my flower garden pieces, the beautiful blue flowers found in the South West of England were the starting point for this painting. The colour blue is dominant, and reminiscent of the blue stripey pottery which originated here. Agapanthus, Clover, blue grass, Pagoda flowers and water pimpernel plus garlic buds and of course forget-me –not are some of the flowers used. In the background an old map of Cornwall (first printed in 1809) has been used, plus text from an old edition of the readers digest, outlining flowers and grasses found on Cornish Heathlands. Excerpts from the Cornish dictionary and definitions of ‘blue’ taken from Chambers 20th Century Dictionary, first published 1901. A few secrets are hidden in the painting.. but obviously I can’t possibly explain everything!!