Love: desirable art & objects
Local: made somewhere special
Arts: awesome artists & makers
Love Local Arts Gallery
original art and gifts in Henley Chocolate Cafe. Purchase at the till and help yourself to bubblewrap & ribbon
rolled prints posted free worldwide… see more art here
Art, food and awesomeness… 9- 5pm Henley Chocolate Cafe, 13 Thameside, Henley on Thames RG9 1BH
Photos: renovation, gallery and private view…
‘Love Local Arts’ was set up by artist Kirsten Jones
Sharing work by artists and makers, along with gorgeous gifts with sustainability at their heart
As well as helping shows, art trails and creative workshops happen.
If you are an artist or maker and would like to be involved or have an event in mind, do get in touch.
Join our mailing list below to hear first about events at the cafe…
Oxfordshire Artweeks and The Henley Arts Trail
.. we love being part of both events in the Oxfordshire calendar
Henley Chocolate Cafe children’s ART Competitions
We run regular art competitions.. watch this space for the next one x